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EnFoid Lenders
2014 (10 years ago)
Cooperate Software Solution
Hosted at
Amazon WS
Crowd Funding Entities
EnFoid Lenders is a complete web-based Software Solution to provide a CrowdFunding and Provisioning System for Small Companies and Individuals.
Primarily focused on the ease of Management, Accounting, and Monetary Channels.
It can be adjusted and configured to serve a multitude of business sectors.

  • Accessible overview pages and information flow for Clients
  • simplified Administration
  • connectivity to external established Database Systems
    such as SAP, Freelance Cockpit, Sage or others
  • REST-API for account management and transparency features
  • Status Calls via REST+RSS for Financial Real-time Informations
EnFoid Lenders CLient Dashboard

Source of Revenue
Hosted Services, 2nd Level Support, Customizations, Design, Integrations.

  • oAuth2 Links to public Auth Services

    (such as Google, Discord to enable 2 Factor Authentication and account validation)
    example: our own Investment System linked to the SwingFish Community.

    6 years 2 days ago
  • Fully Integrated Version Launch on the EnFoid Website

    replacing most of the User Management parts.
    no P2P Lending Services provided by EnFoid.

    6 years 4 months ago
  • REST-API to allow seamless integration into existing Systems and Web Services.

    now it is possible to completly take charge of design and layout matters as data can be delivered via SSO, REST or as php-includes.

    6 years 7 months ago
  • Product name

    Product consolidated into the name "EnFoid Lenders"

    6 years 8 months ago
  • External Back Office.

    now the Back-office systems can be hosted in house on private servers,
    while the public sites still being served from the SQL Mirror, this allows a greater level of Privacy and data protection.

    7 years 1 month ago
  • Updated License.

    due to breach of Contract from the Contracting Client, we decided to put the code already written into "good use" and offer this System for interested parties at a extremely low license price, there is also a Free License option available for Startups or Small Businesses.

    10 years 9 months ago
  • Logo
    EnFoid Lenders Logo
  • Slogan
    Manage your Investors the Easy way
  • Affinity
    Startups ICO Firms Crowd Lending Services Crowd Funding Services Exchange Services Small Businesses
  • Industry
    Internet Software & Services
  • Copyrights
    • 2014 Mario Hennenberger
    • 2018 EnFoid Pte. Ltd.
    • 2022 EnFoid LLC