EnFoid Lenders Performance (last 73 weeks)

Interest by contract 9.55% p.a. extra Dividends so far 0.13% p.a. SwingFish 138.84% (90 days).

EnFoid LLC

  • Fintech technology and execution
  • Headquartered in the United States,
  • Manages Financial Execution Services
    Retail Trading Systems
    EnFoid Proprietary Trading
  • Founded: June 25, 2019, DA, USA
  • took over EnFoid Pte. Ltd. (Founded: 15 May 2011, Singapore) in 2022

EnFoid Lenders key benefits

  • EnFoid does not engage in Money or Portfolio Management! All funds are Lent for Interest!
  • Provides promissory notes with an effective Interest rate at 9.55% p.a., representing your minimum annual gain by contract & law.
  • Is 100% Fiduciary. All actions taken meant to be in favor of all participants.
  • Interest is divided into 52 segments and paid weekly, which allows maximum flexibility and enables access to funds at the end of each week.

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