Funding is intended to serve Retail Traders that do not have the means, but the talent.
Due to the nature of the product, there is a significant run on "free" or "low tier" accounts. They usually do have a shallow profitability rate, which would make a revenue model based on selling the Enrolment in combination with education very attractive. Due to EnFoid's Policy on Conflict of interests, EnFoid does not support this scheme.
$135,961,398 (USD) currently assigned account volume.
3295 Traders executed 168 Trades
data and charts updated automatically 17 hours 36 minutes ago
Live Traders Yield vs. Capital Distribution ratio
Capital Distribution ratio represents the offset between the number of Traders vs. Capital splits
Live Traders vs. Evaluation Traders vs. Pre-Trial Traders
to comply with local regulation updates.
all Deposit, Execution & IB Services within the EnFoid Proprietary Trading project will be provided by EnFoid LLC.
Free Joining members are required to be not only present, but active in the SwingFish Trading Community.
to counter the massive flood of Free (but failing) new Free users, Signup's where changed significantly to reduce Administrative workload, and signup's from complete beginners.